Trains from Katpadi Jn (KPD) to Bangarapet (BWT)

There are total 18 Trains from Katpadi Jn Railway Station to Bangarapet Railway Station.

Train No.Train NameFromDepartureToArrivalTimeMTWTFSSHaltsDistanceSpeed
12296SANGHA MITRA EXKatpadi Jn16:00Bangarapet18:4302:43216159.3 km/h
12510GHY SBC EXPRESSKatpadi Jn06:55Bangarapet09:4302:48216257.9 km/h
12540LKO YPR SUP EXPKatpadi Jn11:35Bangarapet14:1302:38216261.5 km/h
12544TPTY YPR EXP Katpadi Jn17:02Bangarapet19:1302:11116274.2 km/h
12607LALBAGH EXPRESSKatpadi Jn17:45Bangarapet20:0802:23416268 km/h
12609BANGALORE EXP Katpadi Jn15:45Bangarapet18:1802:33616263.5 km/h
12639BRINDAVAN EXP Katpadi Jn09:15Bangarapet11:4002:25516267 km/h
12657BANGALORE MAIL Katpadi Jn01:10Bangarapet03:3002:20216269.4 km/h
12691SSPN EXPRESS Katpadi Jn01:25Bangarapet03:5302:28316265.7 km/h
12863HWH YPR EXPRESSKatpadi Jn02:10Bangarapet04:5802:48216257.9 km/h
15228MFP YPR EXP Katpadi Jn06:25Bangarapet08:5802:33216263.5 km/h
16222MYSORE EXPRESS Katpadi Jn23:45Bangarapet02:1802:33416263.5 km/h
17210SHESHADRI EXP Katpadi Jn08:00Bangarapet10:3302:33516263.5 km/h
17311MAS VASCO EXP Katpadi Jn16:10Bangarapet19:0802:58216254.6 km/h
17313MAS HUBLI EXP Katpadi Jn16:10Bangarapet19:0802:58216254.6 km/h
22601SHIRDI EXPRESS Katpadi Jn12:10Bangarapet14:3802:28216265.7 km/h
22682MYSORE EXPRESS Katpadi Jn01:20Bangarapet03:5302:33216263.5 km/h
22817HWH MYS EXPRESSKatpadi Jn20:20Bangarapet23:2303:03216253.1 km/h

Fastest Train

12544 TPTY YPR EXP is the fastest train from Katpadi Jn to Bangarapet covering 162 KMs only in 02:11 Hrs with an average speed of 74.2 km/h. You should definetely prefer this train for your journey.

Slowest Train

22817 HWH MYS EXPRESS is the slowest train from Katpadi Jn to Bangarapet covering 162 KMs in as long as 03:03 Hrs with an average speed of 53.1 km/h only. You should better avoid this train.

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