Trains from Gandhidham Bg (GIMB) to Samakhiali B G (SIOB)

There are total 14 Trains from Gandhidham Bg Railway Station to Samakhiali B G Railway Station.

Train No.Train NameFromDepartureToArrivalTimeMTWTFSSHaltsDistanceSpeed
09452MUMBAI SPL Gandhidham Bg06:30Samakhiali B G07:4201:1215344.2 km/h
11091BHUJ PUNE EXP Gandhidham Bg09:40Samakhiali B G10:4801:0825346.8 km/h
12937GARBHA EXPRESS Gandhidham Bg17:00Samakhiali B G17:5400:5415358.9 km/h
12960BHUJ DADAR EXP Gandhidham Bg19:55Samakhiali B G20:5801:0325350.5 km/h
12993GIMB PURI EXP Gandhidham Bg22:45Samakhiali B G23:5001:0525348.9 km/h
14312ALA HAZRAT EXP Gandhidham Bg14:15Samakhiali B G15:2001:0525348.9 km/h
14322BAREILLY EXPRESGandhidham Bg17:55Samakhiali B G19:0001:0525348.9 km/h
14802JODHPUR EXPRESSGandhidham Bg20:30Samakhiali B G21:2300:5315360 km/h
15667KAMAKHYA EXPRESGandhidham Bg13:15Samakhiali B G14:1801:0325350.5 km/h
16335NAGERCOIL EXP Gandhidham Bg05:20Samakhiali B G06:3001:1025345.4 km/h
16505GIMB SBC EXPRESGandhidham Bg09:00Samakhiali B G09:5800:5815354.8 km/h
19116BHUJ BDTS EXP Gandhidham Bg23:40Samakhiali B G00:4301:0325350.5 km/h
19132KUTCH EXPRESS Gandhidham Bg21:15Samakhiali B G22:1701:0225351.3 km/h
19152PALANPUR EXP Gandhidham Bg22:00Samakhiali B G23:1001:1035345.4 km/h

Fastest Train

14802 JODHPUR EXPRESS is the fastest train from Gandhidham Bg to Samakhiali B G covering 53 KMs only in 00:53 Hrs with an average speed of 60 km/h. You should definetely prefer this train for your journey.

Slowest Train

09452 MUMBAI SPL is the slowest train from Gandhidham Bg to Samakhiali B G covering 53 KMs in as long as 01:12 Hrs with an average speed of 44.2 km/h only. You should better avoid this train.

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