Trains from Unnao Jn (ON) to Lucknow Nr (LKO)

There are total 16 Trains from Unnao Jn Railway Station to Lucknow Nr Railway Station.

Train No.Train NameFromDepartureToArrivalTimeMTWTFSSHaltsDistanceSpeed
11015KUSHINAGAR EXP Unnao Jn00:43Lucknow Nr01:4501:0215452.3 km/h
11109JHS LKO INT EXPUnnao Jn10:58Lucknow Nr12:0001:0215452.3 km/h
11124GWL BJU MAIL Unnao Jn18:58Lucknow Nr20:1001:1215445 km/h
12420GOMTI EXPRESS Unnao Jn20:18Lucknow Nr21:2501:0715448.4 km/h
12556GORAKDAM EXPRESUnnao Jn03:42Lucknow Nr04:4501:0315754.3 km/h
12876NEELACHAL EXP Unnao Jn13:03Lucknow Nr14:0501:0215654.2 km/h
13238MTJ PNBE EXPRESUnnao Jn04:53Lucknow Nr05:5501:0215452.3 km/h
13414FARKKA EXPRESS Unnao Jn06:08Lucknow Nr07:1501:0715549.3 km/h
13484FARAKKA EXPRESSUnnao Jn06:08Lucknow Nr07:1501:0715751 km/h
14854MARUDHAR EXPRESUnnao Jn01:48Lucknow Nr02:5001:0215654.2 km/h
14864MARUDHAR EXPRESUnnao Jn01:48Lucknow Nr02:5001:0215452.3 km/h
14866MARUDHAR EXPRESUnnao Jn01:48Lucknow Nr02:5001:0215452.3 km/h
15708ASR KIR EXPRESSUnnao Jn23:23Lucknow Nr00:2501:0215452.3 km/h
19165SABARMATI EXP Unnao Jn23:43Lucknow Nr00:5001:0715650.1 km/h
19167SABARMATI EXP Unnao Jn23:43Lucknow Nr00:5001:0715650.1 km/h
24228VARUNA EXP Unnao Jn16:23Lucknow Nr17:3001:0715448.4 km/h

Fastest Train

11015 KUSHINAGAR EXP is the fastest train from Unnao Jn to Lucknow Nr covering 54 KMs only in 01:02 Hrs with an average speed of 52.3 km/h. You should definetely prefer this train for your journey.

Slowest Train

11124 GWL BJU MAIL is the slowest train from Unnao Jn to Lucknow Nr covering 54 KMs in as long as 01:12 Hrs with an average speed of 45 km/h only. You should better avoid this train.

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