Trains from Tirupati (TPTY) to Katpadi Jn (KPD)

There are total 20 Trains from Tirupati Railway Station to Katpadi Jn Railway Station.

Train No.Train NameFromDepartureToArrivalTimeMTWTFSSHaltsDistanceSpeed
12544TPTY YPR EXP Tirupati14:50Katpadi Jn17:0002:10310548.5 km/h
12626KERALA EXPRESS Tirupati21:07Katpadi Jn23:2502:18210545.7 km/h
12644SWARNA JAYANTI Tirupati17:12Katpadi Jn19:3302:21210544.7 km/h
12646ERS MILLENUM EXTirupati17:12Katpadi Jn19:3302:21210544.7 km/h
12660GURUDEV EXPRESSTirupati03:47Katpadi Jn05:4802:01210451.6 km/h
12757TPTY CBE EXP Tirupati14:50Katpadi Jn17:0002:10310548.5 km/h
12835HTE YPR EXPRESSTirupati22:05Katpadi Jn00:3002:25210543.4 km/h
12845BBS YPR SUP EXPTirupati03:47Katpadi Jn05:4802:01210451.6 km/h
12863HWH YPR EXPRESSTirupati23:45Katpadi Jn02:0502:20110444.6 km/h
12867HWH PDY EXP Tirupati01:22Katpadi Jn04:1302:51110436.5 km/h
12889TATA YPR EXP Tirupati22:05Katpadi Jn00:3002:25110443 km/h
16318HIMSAGAR EXP Tirupati01:22Katpadi Jn03:4802:26210442.7 km/h
16360PNBE ERS EXPRESTirupati10:00Katpadi Jn12:3502:35210440.3 km/h
16381KANYAKUMARI EXPTirupati15:15Katpadi Jn17:5502:40310439 km/h
16688NAVYUG EXPRESS Tirupati01:22Katpadi Jn03:4802:26210442.7 km/h
16734RAMESWARAM EXP Tirupati06:15Katpadi Jn08:3002:15110546.7 km/h
16779TPTY MDU EXP Tirupati13:35Katpadi Jn15:4002:05210550.4 km/h
17210SHESHADRI EXP Tirupati05:30Katpadi Jn07:5802:28310442.2 km/h
17230SABARI EXP Tirupati00:35Katpadi Jn02:3802:03210450.7 km/h
22851MAQ VIVEK EXP Tirupati17:12Katpadi Jn19:3302:21210444.3 km/h

Fastest Train

12660 GURUDEV EXPRESS is the fastest train from Tirupati to Katpadi Jn covering 104 KMs only in 02:01 Hrs with an average speed of 51.6 km/h. You should definetely prefer this train for your journey.

Slowest Train

12867 HWH PDY EXP is the slowest train from Tirupati to Katpadi Jn covering 104 KMs in as long as 02:51 Hrs with an average speed of 36.5 km/h only. You should better avoid this train.

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