Trains from Orai (ORAI) to Lucknow Nr (LKO)

There are total 15 Trains from Orai Railway Station to Lucknow Nr Railway Station.

Train No.Train NameFromDepartureToArrivalTimeMTWTFSSHaltsDistanceSpeed
01019LTT LKO SPECAILOrai11:07Lucknow Nr16:1505:08318035.1 km/h
05023PUNE GKP SPL Orai11:07Lucknow Nr16:1005:03318035.6 km/h
05032LTT GKP SPL Orai01:00Lucknow Nr05:4004:40318038.6 km/h
11015KUSHINAGAR EXP Orai21:05Lucknow Nr01:4504:40617838.1 km/h
11109JHS LKO INT EXPOrai07:48Lucknow Nr12:0004:12617842.4 km/h
11124GWL BJU MAIL Orai15:40Lucknow Nr20:1004:30817839.6 km/h
12143LTT SLN SUP EXPOrai13:42Lucknow Nr17:2503:43217847.9 km/h
12173UDYOG NAGRI EXPOrai11:05Lucknow Nr14:5503:50217846.4 km/h
12183BPL PBH SUP EXPOrai00:58Lucknow Nr05:2504:27218040.4 km/h
12193BPL PBH EXP Orai00:58Lucknow Nr05:2504:27217840 km/h
16093LUCKNOW EXP Orai16:53Lucknow Nr20:3503:42218048.6 km/h
19165SABARMATI EXP Orai19:15Lucknow Nr00:5005:35717932.1 km/h
19167SABARMATI EXP Orai19:15Lucknow Nr00:5005:35717932.1 km/h
19313INDB PATNA EXP Orai00:58Lucknow Nr05:2504:27218040.4 km/h
19321INDB RJPB EXP Orai00:58Lucknow Nr05:2504:27218040.4 km/h

Fastest Train

16093 LUCKNOW EXP is the fastest train from Orai to Lucknow Nr covering 180 KMs only in 03:42 Hrs with an average speed of 48.6 km/h. You should definetely prefer this train for your journey.

Slowest Train

19165 SABARMATI EXP is the slowest train from Orai to Lucknow Nr covering 179 KMs in as long as 05:35 Hrs with an average speed of 32.1 km/h only. You should better avoid this train.

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