Trains from Fatehpur (FTP) to Allahabad Jn (ALD)

There are total 18 Trains from Fatehpur Railway Station to Allahabad Jn Railway Station.

Train No.Train NameFromDepartureToArrivalTimeMTWTFSSHaltsDistanceSpeed
04114UHP ALD SPL Fatehpur20:11Allahabad Jn22:1502:04111656.1 km/h
04116LTT ALD SPL Fatehpur20:10Allahabad Jn21:5001:40111770.2 km/h
12308JU HWH SUPFAST Fatehpur12:18Allahabad Jn14:0001:42111668.2 km/h
12312KALKA MAIL Fatehpur15:40Allahabad Jn17:2001:40111770.2 km/h
12404MTJ ALD EXPRESSFatehpur03:10Allahabad Jn05:0001:50111763.8 km/h
12418PRAYAG RAJ EXP Fatehpur04:30Allahabad Jn06:4502:15111752 km/h
12428NDLS REWA EXP Fatehpur07:33Allahabad Jn09:2501:52111762.7 km/h
12506NORTH EAST EXP Fatehpur14:05Allahabad Jn15:4001:35111773.9 km/h
12802PURSHOTTAM EXP Fatehpur05:53Allahabad Jn07:2501:32111776.3 km/h
12816NANDAN KANAN EXFatehpur13:30Allahabad Jn15:1001:40111770.2 km/h
13008U A TOOFAN EXP Fatehpur20:00Allahabad Jn22:0502:05411756.2 km/h
13112LAL QUILA EXP Fatehpur08:25Allahabad Jn10:4502:20611649.7 km/h
14084MAHANANDA EXP Fatehpur16:25Allahabad Jn17:5501:30111677.3 km/h
14114LINK EXPRESS Fatehpur05:30Allahabad Jn08:1002:40711643.5 km/h
14164SANGAM EXP Fatehpur05:30Allahabad Jn08:1002:40711743.9 km/h
15003CHAURICHAURAEXPFatehpur18:40Allahabad Jn20:4502:05411655.7 km/h
18110JAT MURI ROU EXFatehpur13:50Allahabad Jn15:3001:40111770.2 km/h
22308BKN HWH SUPFASTFatehpur12:18Allahabad Jn14:0001:42111668.2 km/h

Fastest Train

14084 MAHANANDA EXP is the fastest train from Fatehpur to Allahabad Jn covering 116 KMs only in 01:30 Hrs with an average speed of 77.3 km/h. You should definetely prefer this train for your journey.

Slowest Train

14114 LINK EXPRESS is the slowest train from Fatehpur to Allahabad Jn covering 116 KMs in as long as 02:40 Hrs with an average speed of 43.5 km/h only. You should better avoid this train.

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