Trains from Brahmapur (BAM) to Katpadi Jn (KPD)

There are total 17 Trains from Brahmapur Railway Station to Katpadi Jn Railway Station.

Train No.Train NameFromDepartureToArrivalTimeMTWTFSSHaltsDistanceSpeed
02851SRC KCVL SPL Brahmapur00:40Katpadi Jn19:5519:1512111758 km/h
12254ANGA EXPRESS Brahmapur08:37Katpadi Jn03:3518:588112359.2 km/h
12508GHY ERS EXPRESSBrahmapur10:37Katpadi Jn06:5020:139118658.7 km/h
12510GHY SBC EXPRESSBrahmapur10:37Katpadi Jn06:5020:139118658.7 km/h
12516GHY TVC EXPRESSBrahmapur10:37Katpadi Jn06:5020:139118658.7 km/h
12660GURUDEV EXPRESSBrahmapur09:59Katpadi Jn05:4819:4917111756.4 km/h
12845BBS YPR SUP EXPBrahmapur09:59Katpadi Jn05:4819:4913111756.4 km/h
12863HWH YPR EXPRESSBrahmapur05:55Katpadi Jn02:0520:1016111755.4 km/h
15228MFP YPR EXP Brahmapur09:59Katpadi Jn06:2320:249118658.1 km/h
15902DBRG YPR EXPRESBrahmapur10:37Katpadi Jn06:5020:138118158.4 km/h
15906VIVEK EXPRESS Brahmapur21:15Katpadi Jn16:0818:5312113660.2 km/h
16310PNBE ERS EXPRESBrahmapur09:59Katpadi Jn06:2320:248118658.1 km/h
16324SHM TVC EXPRESSBrahmapur09:59Katpadi Jn06:2320:248118658.1 km/h
22603KGP VM SF EXP Brahmapur21:37Katpadi Jn18:2020:438111753.9 km/h
22605PRR VM EXPRESBrahmapur21:37Katpadi Jn18:2020:4312113654.8 km/h
22817HWH MYS EXPRESSBrahmapur01:22Katpadi Jn20:1818:568111759 km/h
22851MAQ VIVEK EXP Brahmapur00:40Katpadi Jn19:3318:5315111759.2 km/h

Fastest Train

15906 VIVEK EXPRESS is the fastest train from Brahmapur to Katpadi Jn covering 1136 KMs only in 18:53 Hrs with an average speed of 60.2 km/h. You should definetely prefer this train for your journey.

Slowest Train

22603 KGP VM SF EXP is the slowest train from Brahmapur to Katpadi Jn covering 1117 KMs in as long as 20:43 Hrs with an average speed of 53.9 km/h only. You should better avoid this train.

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