Vodafone Idea Mobile Tracking

Track any Vodafone Idea mobile number location details using our free mobile number tracking software. You will get complete SIM card name address details and GPS location on map which includes owner's city, state and tower locations. You can also report your complaint for any mobile number for making abusive or spam calls.

Vodafone and Idea companies merged together to form Vodafone Idea. VI is currently at 3rd position in India telecom industry and has total 27 crores 33 lakhs mobile users in India. It provides 2G and 4G prepaid / postpaid sim cards, optical fiber broadband connection and will soon add 5G. We use different data sources to track Vodafone Idea mobile number name address city state location details of VI sim cards.

Top 5 states of VI mobile users are Maharashtra, Gujarat, UP (East), MP and UP (West). Maharashtra has 3 crores 7 lakhs Vodafone Idea mobile users, followed by 2 crores 47 lakhs users of Gujarat. It has 2 crores 13 lakhs mobile users in Uttar Pradesh (East), followed by 2 crores 8 lakhs users of Madhya Pradesh and 1 crore 90 lakhs VI mobile users of Uttar Pradesh (West). Our Vodafone Idea mobile directory contains complete update database of Vodafone Idea mobile number series details.

Vodafone Idea Customer Care numbers

State/CityEnquires, RequestsComplaints
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana98480123459848009198
Bihar, Jharkhand97080123459708000198
Delhi NCR98910123458744000198
Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu98240123459824000198
Himachal Pradesh98820123459882900198
Jammu Kashmir, Ladakh90860123459086046198
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh98260123459826000198
Maharashtra, Goa, Lakshadweep98220123459822000198
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya90890123459089000198
Punjab, Chandigarh98140123459781500198
Tamil Nadu, Puducherry90920123459092000198
Uttar Pradesh East98890123458941000198
Uttar Pradesh West, Uttarakhand98370123458576000198
West Bengal, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar Islands90930123459093100198

Vodafone Idea Mobile numbers traced recently

1Track 9924251936 Location on MapVodafone IdeaGujarat
2Track 8112339094 current LocationVodafone IdeaUttar Pradesh East
3Track 9712848618 GPS CoordinatesVodafone IdeaGujarat
4Track 6315139257 GPS LocationVodafone IdeaBihar Jharkhand
5Track 9703377062 Location on MapVodafone IdeaAndhra Pradesh
6Track 7900661299 current LocationVodafone IdeaUttar Pradesh West
7Track 8739852674 current LocationVodafone IdeaRajasthan
8Track 8601612833 Owner detailsVodafone IdeaUttar Pradesh East
9Trace 8958446015 GPS CoordinatesVodafone IdeaUttar Pradesh West
10Trace 7797620216 Name AddressVodafone IdeaWest Bengal